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Ritual Handpoked Tattoos

Visual Art

Two Trees 5.jpg

Writing and Illustration

Macrame Adornment


Visual Art Films

Music and Melody

Visual story telling is a passion of mine. When I learned how to work with moving images a whole new world opened up to me. I love creating layers of meaning, symbolism, story and image to create a unique sensory experience. May you see, hear and also feel, smell and taste what I am showing you.

Weaving, sewing, carving, bending, connecting - forming figures of real life and imagination. I love to upcycle, create new life out of old and discarded or found objects. Mother nature provides materials in such abundance. All I do is discover the artwork that already exists and peel away the layers to reveal it!

I never earned a dime with my daily rhyme but I am sharing it all the time. I fall into a meditation, a trance of verbal and melodic creation. I connect deeply to my truth and in a single melody grow a seed to trunk, branch, leaves ad roots.

I find expression in so many forms. I have spent years developing and learning techniques and modalities of creation to facilitate my desire to share in new ways. This is how I turn my thought and imagination into matter. Every artwork is an intentional ceremony of transfor

Macrame adornments are divinely woven with intention and prayer tied carefully into each knot. These pieces are a love letter from my heart to yours - to honor your divinity and beauty, to hold crystals of healing and to vibrate your energy and zest for others to feel and share.

Your body is a temple of divine reflections. Embracing the ritual of a hand-poked tattoo can be a deep honoring and integration of your life experiences and soul healing journey.


My tattoo studio is in a suitcase, get poked at your favourite place.

Writing has always been a creative axpression of my personality through lyrical pictures.

Illustrating my words in the form of images and combining them with my story telling skills.

Creative Cultures

Conscious Cosmetics

Vegan Food

Plant Medicines and Teas

Sigil Integration

Conscious Femininity

The portal of awakening the Sacred Feminine on the planet has opened. My life's experiences have shown me many beautiful truths and taught me the potency of SELF LOVE.  I have been guided to share my experiences to support this tidal wave of women awakening.

A sigil is a symbolic representation of an experience, thought feeling or intention. It is a powerful magical tool of integration. I have been creating sigils for years to serve as tools for integration and a form of archiving the great teachings of my life thus far so that I can continue to connect with and grow with these teachings.

I revere the little microbial creatures whose immense power transforms sugar into a probiotic POWERHOUSE! These cultures are loaded with beneficial bacteria, gut healing super powers, immune boosting goodness and most importantly - LOVE


Our skin is our biggest organ. I live by the rule - If I won't put it in my mouth, then I won't put it anywhere on my body. For this reason, I take the time to create incredibly edible organic body products and cosmetics and I feel it is extremely important to spread the word that these things are ridiculously easy to make.  

For me conscious eating is plant based and purist. I try to connect to Mother Earth's Magical gifts by staying as close to their origin as I can. I am so inspired by the beauty of simple plant magic just as Mother Earth intended it. Trust me, if you're eating this way it is impossible not to feel the energetic and physical difference.

Our responsibility is to care for our sacred body. Sometimes, physical, emotional, or spiritual DISease penetrates our defenses. For this, Mother Earth provides us with everything we need, if we only have the eye to recognize it and the knowledge to utilize it. May we connect with pure intention to the spirits of the healing plants.

A sigil is a symbolic representation of an experience, thought, feeling or intention. It is a powerful magical tool of integration. I have been creating sigils for years as a method of archiving the great teachings of my life thus far, so that I can continue to connect with and grow with these teachings. I love to share this amazing tool.

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